Your Healthy Smile Timeline: Ages 1–20

Your Healthy Smile Timeline: Ages 1–20

AT OUR PEDIATRIC PRACTICE, WE WANT to build your child’s foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth. It starts here, but it doesn’t end once your child graduates from our pediatric practice. That’s why we’re sharing a series of posts addressing several stages of your child’s (and your) healthy teeth. If neither of you fall into the coming categories, you surely have friends and family who do, so pass the good oral health along by sharing the post! Today, we’re going to talk about dental health concerns of those aged 1-20. To help you prioritize, we’ve divided the information into must-do’s, should-do’s and could-do’s.

Must Do’s, Ages 1–20:

  • Establish a dental home for children early, and stick to regular checkups. When children are comfortable with their dental team, it sets a pattern for a lifetime of great oral health.
  • Set up an at-home oral hygiene routine. Remember, everyone should brush for 2 minutes, twice a day.
  • ALL CHILD ATHLETES should wear a mouthguard during sports! Skaters, wrestlers, ballers, etc. That means you!

Should Do’s, Ages 1–20:

  • Orthodontic evaluations should happen at about age 7 in case there’s a need for early intervention treatment.
  • Dental sealants can provide a shield against tooth decay that will last throughout childhood.
  • Healthy-teeth eating habits start now! That means minimal sugar, soda, and snacking—and, lots of vegetables.

Could Do’s, Ages 1–20:

  • For teens, increasingly conscious of their appearance, teeth whitening can be a great boost.
  • Exciting characters, colors, and flavors on toothbrushes and toothpaste can make brushing and flossing more fun for kids.

Use These Ideas As A Launchpad…

The musts, shoulds, and coulds above are by no means a comprehensive list of every dental factor to consider between the ages of 1 and 20! But we hope it gives you some good reminders and a starting point for building your own oral health goals. Remember to watch for the future posts about each age group! And if you have any follow-up questions, let us know! Comment below, message us on our Facebook page, or give us a call.

Thanks for your trust in our practice. We appreciate you!

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