Why Fruits And Vegetables Are Important To Your Child’s Oral Health

Why Fruits And Vegetables Are Important To Your Child’s Oral Health

MARCH IS NUTRITION MONTH—an education and information campaign sponsored annually by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. We don’t have to tell you how important eating habits are for your family’s overall health. But most of us don’t often think about the implications for our children’s teeth and gums.

Teach Your Kids To Nourish Their Teeth And Gums

Did you know that…

  • Fibrous fruits and vegetables help clean your teeth.
  • Magnesium from bananas can help restore tooth enamel.
  • The Vitamin A in butternut squash can help heal sores in your mouth.
  • Dark, leafy greens and broccoli have LOTS of calcium, which is great for our teeth.
  • Vitamin C from citrus fruits helps keep our gums healthy.
  • Replacing sugary, starchy snacks with healthy fruits and vegetables can lower your tooth decay risk.
  • Yep… What’s good for your body is usually really good for your mouth too!

Are You Eating Enough Fruits And Vegetables?

Not sure how many servings of fresh fruits and vegetables are necessary for your kid’s health? Click on the calculator (left) to find out, based on age, gender, and daily activity level. The recommended number of servings may be much higher than you think. And if your family isn’t getting enough servings, here are some handy tips that will help: 1. Switch up your snacks. Cookies and crackers are easy to eat because they’re so accessible. With a little effort, fruits and vegetables can be just as accessible. Check out one family’s solution in the video below:

2. Include vegetables in your entrees. Load up sandwiches and pizzas with them. Incorporate them into burritos, pasta, scrambled eggs, etc. 3. Add fruits to desserts. Put berries in your yogurt, bananas in your cereal, and order the fruit tart instead of the chocolate cake. Even better, replace usual desserts with a fruit plate. 4. Experiment with different vegetables and vegetable cooking techniques. This will add variety! To start, try this one:

How To Roast Awesome Vegetables!

Your Teeth Love Vegetables. Your Oral Bacteria Loves Sugars.

We hope these ideas help your family become the healthiest it can be. As one of your child’s healthcare providers, we’re concerned about both your overall and oral health. Do YOU have a few of your own ideas that will help others? Please share them below, or on our Facebook page!

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