Gummy Vitamins May Not Be Good For Your Child’s Teeth

Gummy Vitamins May Not Be Good For Your Child’s Teeth

IT MIGHT BE EASIER to get your child to eat gummy vitamins, but it may contribute to tooth decay.

The Effects Of Gummy Vitamins Are Similar To Candy

Gummy vitamins look and taste like candy to entice children to eat them. Sadly, they also contain sweeteners (sugar, glucose syrup, etc.) that can cause tooth decay. The gummy texture also poses a risk to your child’s teeth because they get stuck in the crevices on top of and in between teeth. This prolonged exposure to the sugary substance can contribute to cavities.

Helpful Tips When Giving Your Child Vitamins

  • Dry, chewable vitamins pose less cavity risk.
  • Rinsing with water after taking vitamins (gummy or powder) can help remove leftover residue.
  • Look for vitamins that are sweetened with xylitol, a sweetener many oral health professionals recommend.
  • Regular brushing and flossing can help fight decay.
  • Don’t have your child take vitamins right after morning brushing or before going to bed.
  • Help your child get his or her vitamins from real food sources whenever you can.

More About The Risks Of Gummy Vitamins

Carefully Select Vitamins

We know you want your child to be strong and healthy. If you give your child vitamins, keep his or her smile in mind. Avoid gummy vitamins where possible and select vitamins with little or no sugar. If you have questions about vitamins, call us. Have you had success with a vitamin that’s good for your child’s smile? Let us (and our other patients) know about it in the comments below or on our Facebook page.

Thank you for trusting us with your child’s oral health!

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