Can Gingivitis Affect Your Child?

Can Gingivitis Affect Your Child?

NEARLY EVERYONE EXPERIENCES gum disease at some point in their life. However, parents never expect that point to be during childhood. It’s true that gum disease is much more prevalent and dangerous in adults. However, it can hurt your child’s health too!

Certain Conditions Can Increase Your Child’s Risk Of Gum Disease

  • Genetic Factors – If you’re prone to gum disease, your child probably is too. Many studies have linked a parent’s risk to their children’s.
  • Diabetes And Other Autoimmune Disorders – These compromise the body’s ability to fight infections like gum disease.
  • Hormone Changes – During puberty, hormone levels fluctuate. Hormones like progesterone can increase blood circulation to the gums, causing increased irritability.

When Should My Child Start Flossing?

Flossing is the front line defense against gum disease. We know that it’s hard enough just getting kids to brush, but we recommend that parents start teaching their children to floss as soon as they have two or more teeth close together—usually between ages 2 and 6.

Take Care Of Your Child’s Health By Taking Care Of Your Child’s Gums

Taking care of your gum health is an important part of overall health. Follow these steps for a healthy mouth and a healthy brain:

  1. Help them brush every day.
  2. Help them floss every day.
  3. Don’t postpone their regular checkups.

If you have any questions about teaching your child to floss, let us know. And if your son or daughter is prone to gum disease, talk to us about it. We may be able to suggest things that could help you.

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